Five Ways People “Self-Medicate” During Difficult Times.
Humans have an amazing ability to move towards pleasure and away from pain. When we feel dissatisfied, let down, or otherwise uncomfortable, we look for ways to remedy the situation. If that doesn’t work [or isn’t a possibility] we look for ways to change the way we feel about the situation. Oftentimes, we stumble upon behaviors [on accident] that help us to feel better at the moment, but that don’t actually end up helping us in the long run.
These can include:
alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, illicit substances, prescription medications, and food
gambling, shopping, hoarding
over-working through excessive overtime or extra jobs, over-exercising, and generally feeling the need to “stay busy”
body-focused repetitive behaviors, such as compulsive skin-picking or hair pulling
risky sex or excessive pornography use
It is important that we have a diverse set of coping skills that can be flexibly applied depending on the context and setting we find ourselves in. These skills should help achieve BOTH short and long-term relief—Coping skills shouldn’t create MORE problems for us down the road—their purpose is to help not hurt.
If this resonated with you, you may benefit from therapy sessions focused on developing a diverse and adaptive set of coping skills to face life’s challenges head-on. Click here to get started at The Ridge today!
-Dr. Jena Casas, Ph.D.,