How to Control What Seems Uncontrollable
Did you know that a lack of sense of control is a symptom that can be found in both anxiety and depression?
When a person feels they have no control over the events occurring in their life, they begin to feel powerless, worried, and ineffectual. If the events go on for a long time, or appear to be getting worse, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness can set it.
Fortunately, gaining a sense of control is possible and is shown to decrease stress levels and prevent longer-term negative outcomes. If you want to regain a sense of control, you may consider:
Evaluating what you can and cannot control. For example, you cannot control how long the smoke from a wildfire lasts in the air in your area. You can control how much media you consume or how you choose to take care of your health to minimize smoke inhalation during the fire. Aim to identify three things you can control, and then DO IT.
Identifying what you can accept and let go. Worries and racing thoughts are the brains attempt at resolving uncontrollability. If you can downsize your worry by identifying what you can comfortably let go from your mind, you will feel lighter. Aim to identify one thing you can let go, and then DO IT.
Remember, when life begins to feel overwhelming, focus on three things you can control.
-Dr. Jena Casas, Ph.D.